Saturday, January 17, 2009

Don't be fooled by Wicklow.

Today a group of friends and I decided we wanted to have a P.S. I Love You day and visit various places that the movie was set and then watch the movie tonight. Our destination was Wicklow. For those of you who don't know anything about Wicklow, it's the place in the movie where Jerry and Holly meet, and it's really beautiful with lots of greenery and mountains.

After paying 15 euro for our train ticket, we headed down the coast for an hour long train ride. The train took us along the coast where on one side we could see the sea, and the other we could see lots of graffiti. When we arrived we were greeted with a storage establishment and other industrial looking things. Not exactly what we had pictured.

It was pouring when we got off the train, and we quickly figured out that Wicklow National Park (where the movie was filmed) is two hours from the city of Wicklow. Needless to say, we wanted to immediately get back on the train. But instead we were troopers and walked into the town looking for food all the while laughing about how miserably mistaken we were. After stopping at a pub that had no food (but did have free umbrellas) we trekked farther into town and encounted a small hurricane. All of our umbrellas turned inside out (a common occurance around these parts) and somehow we all managed to be crumpled into a group severely struggling with our umbrellas. We were literally the only people outside and people passing by probably thought we were nuts. Oh well.

After roaming the streets that were full of barbers and butchers (such a random combination), we found the one decent place to eat. Al's Diner Pepe Cafe. That was seriously the name. Why? I don't know. We had a pretty great lunch (despite the horrible tap water), but were determined to get back to the station by 3:00 to make the next train back to Dublin. After getting the most exspensive and smallest cup of hot chocolate from a Coffee Shop, we ended up literally running to the train station just in time to make the one we needed.

We laughed the whole way home and joked about telling people how amazing the town of Wicklow was. But instead, I'm warning you now, it is absolutely never necessary for you to visit Wicklow, unless you need a great butcher.

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